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This article was written by the god Shadowfax, and posted on June 1, 2012.


I've come a long way, from a lowly know-nothing newbie in a third-rate clan to a powerful immortal responsible for the better part of the game with power second only to Dentin.

Back when I was younger, I leaned heavily on the game's social structure. You might notice that a lot of what I've written about people I've met on the game focuses on those of the past rather than the present. The mud helped me to grow as a person, and I appreciate Dentin and all of my friends from the game, yet nowadays I enjoy the game primarily for its intellectual stimulation rather than any social aspect. I may seem distant and aloof, and some people are intimidated by that. I'm really a harmless creature for the most part.

I play the game whenever I can, but I'm by no means the greatest player ever. At one time, I could have safely said that I was a very good player, but nowadays I'm a mediocre one at best. One thing playing the mud has definitely taught me is how to type FAST. Especially back in my high school days, when all we had was telnet and no fancy triggers or aliases to help. If you didn't type fast, you died. Last I checked, I clocked over 100 wpm.

Something else that the mud has taught is time management. I have a wife, a house, a whole slew of animals and work two jobs, so it's important to manage what little spare time I have efficiently. One big thing is making lists; I have a queue/list of things I need to do on the mud that numbers in the hundreds, but without it I would never remember to do most of those things. (It may take me a while to get to it, but I'll do it eventually!) That principle has spilled over into other aspects of my life, which, in turn, ensures that I have a little more spare time to manage.

Along a similar vein, skills I've learned in real life have helped me out in the game. Learning C language is definitely a good example of this. Another thing is a method that I've always used when approaching work at my place of employment: if you see a niche that needs filling, fill it yourself. This attitude has worked out well in the game, accounting for a lot of little things that might have otherwise been overlooked (like articles for the website, for example).

I love the creative outlet that building has given me, and I love being able to give back to the game that I have enjoyed these many years in a significant way. I enjoy the challenges that building new things and trying to fix bugs has given me. I'm sure it will bring me many more years of enjoyment.

Here's a funny logfile for y'all to wrap this all up:

Shadowfax says, 'why is it i want to smack taran?'
Draak tells the clan, 'hmmm?'
Draak tells the clan, 'because he's a jerk'

[locane] Gandor: heh, nod. seems like his usual self to me
Draak tells the clan, 'I think I out-game-knowledged him with the 'use' thing. He clearly did not know you could use 'use' for the stuff I talked about'
Shadowfax tells the clan, 'heh'

[locane] Gandor: heh, he left the game
Shadowfax tells the clan, 'my wife just killed a mouse in the kitchen'
Shadowfax tells the clan, 'she tried to hit it with the frying pan but missed, so she punched it to death'
Draak tells the clan, 'when she throws it outside, give her some coins and say its for sacrificing the corpse'
Shadowfax tells the clan, 'she's going to take a shower now'
Shadowfax tells the clan, 'heh i told her she gained a few experience points for that'
Shadowfax tells the clan, 'that was mad skills there on her part'
Shadowfax tells the clan, 'she's got mad skills'
Shadowfax tells the clan, 'punching out a moving target like that is no small feat'

[locane] Draak: Shadowfax has something he wants to share
[locane] Gandor: Ooh? What is it?
[locane] Shadowfax: oh should i share with the rest of the class?
[locane] Draak: his wife just did an exp run in his kitchen!
[locane] Locane: wtf
[locane] Locane: did she backstab someone?
[locane] Shadowfax: Shadowfax tells the clan, 'my wife just killed a mouse in the kitchen'
[locane] Locane: lol
[locane] Shadowfax: Shadowfax tells the clan, 'she tried to hit it with the frying pan but missed, so she punched it to death'
[locane] Gandor: Oooh. A mouse. She should of possessed it.
[locane] Locane: tell her to put it in a brown box and collect 20 of them
[locane] Locane: lol
[locane] Locane: wow
[locane] Locane: shadowfax's wife is bad ass
[locane] Gandor: Indeed. Most would shriek and run for their husband, she just punches it and continues on with her cooking.
[locane] Shadowfax: well, she shrieked all the while
[locane] Locane: lol
[locane] Draak: it wasn't shrieking
[locane] Locane: you mean, she went berserk!
[locane] Draak: it was war cries from berserking!
[locane] Locane: Shadowfax's wife goes berserk in battle!
[locane] Draak: and she roared!
[locane] Gandor: Because she was beserk, she couldn't flee.
[locane] Locane: Shadowfax's wife's punch *** DEVASTATES *** a mouse!
[locane] Draak: nodnod Gandor, hehe
[locane] Gandor: Felonia = 1 - Mouse = 0
[locane] Gandor: I admit, I'd have a hard time even killing a mouse.
[locane] Gandor: A fish, sure. A mammal? Probably not.
[locane] Shadowfax: she's in the shower because she has to wash the blood off
[locane] Locane: lol
[locane] Draak: I've stomped on a couple before
[locane] Draak: one of those, I threw the corpse to our chickens, muhaha
[locane] Gandor: That'd make quite the mess, I'd assume.
[locane] Draak: actually, one of the hens grabbed it and began swallowing it whole while the other chickens ran after her trying to rip it out of her mouth
[locane] Gandor: Aw, you have chickens? Get your eggs that way too? I'd consider it if it was allowed over here...
[locane] Draak: she managed to choke it down
[locane] Draak: Shadowfax and I raised different kinds of poultry growing up
[locane] Gandor: ah
[locane] Draak: Shadowfax recently acquired some chickens and has started his own flock
[locane] Shadowfax: yeah
[locane] Shadowfax: they amuse me

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