The History of Clan Kindred

From the dawn of Alter Aeon we came, moving silently down through
the centuries... even before Dentin officially recognized clans we gathered
in groups, distinguished only by the "flags" in our titles, and the occasional rare item.
As clan structure evolved & grew, mudders began to form and join clans in order
to have a room, an item, or a group to run xp with... but the original clans
were founded on much more than that... they were simply groups
of mudders interested in playing well, and playing with friends.
Kindred still holds these values above all others.

-+DeeP+- and Legion were original clans on the mud (pre clan-code).
Among the clans formed when clans were allowed rooms & items was PaRaDoX,
a wacky opposite to DeeP's serious demeanor, they were hardy mudders & soon
rivaled DeeP in size & mud wisdom. When actual (as we know it today)
clan code was installed, PaRaDoX disbanded to join other clans. Sly & Squeak,
however, kept the wackiness alive with the new clan Ping. DeeP's leading members
were Roan & Newbie, who were best friends RL with Sly & Squeak... and so after a
fateful RL roadtrip they decided to join DeeP and Ping to form Vascar.
Vascar, combining DeeP's serious mudding attitude with Ping's devotion
to friendship, had a mission to build better mudders by showing others how
it should be done. Legion, meanwhile, was still a strong clan and had
members equal in quality to Vascar. Many members began switching back
and forth between clans, which almost caused a war. (We all wanted Caliban :)
Finally a compromise was reached... we all liked each other,
why not just join clans? And so Kindred was born.

Keep in mind the contribution that each clan
has given to make Kindred as it is today.
Legion - devotion to the mud and mud knowledge.
DeeP - high standards expected of all players.
PaRaDoX - remembering that this mud is here for us to have fun.
Ping - the ability to change with the mud around us.
Vascar - gain of power through intelligent mudding & strength of friendship.

Never forget your roots.


The link to our beloved home... Alter Aeon