Old Mud Additions

(it should be noted that these changes are circa July 1997 and eariler - some of it _much_ earlier. No chronological order is preserved, and to be honest, why we even keep this file around is unknown. -dentin)

Two pkill flags have been added, one that allows you to go (pkok) until you logoff, just for playing around; another that is much more permanant, for you adventurous types.
Karma has been installed for perma-pkillers. If you spend all of your time nuking other characters expect to hear it from the local police, townspeople, etc...
A clan creation command has been installed to allow mortal characters to create clans themselves, provided they have the startup gold to do so.
The swim skill has been added, to allow characters to get around a bit easier in the water
A changes command has been installed to keep everyone informed of new additions.
Rehash command installed. Now if your character is named druid, they don't have to type "tell 23.druid heya"
Attempted connections to a character already logged in as that character sends a message to the character.

Old Area Additions

Kefka's Dragnok Castle is in place in dark forest east.

Hell is back, thanks to wyvren. It is in the same old place it used to be.

Sauron's dark elven area has been put in, a short distance from the city of Trinsic.

An odd little mini-area has been put in where magic does not work. The theme is sort of a biological research laboratory. For now, the entrance is in dark forest east, and will likely be moved.

An island of 'fox people' has been put in the ocean north of Ralnoth.

Fikh's hill giant area is up, with entrances in the west forest.

Vember's palace of root beer (ok, the viking norse gods area) is up. The entrance is somewhere inside the old viking area.

Phtom's ghost ship and university additions to Atlantis are in, level 30+ recommended.

Minor Additions of the Present and Past

This block will likely be really spammy and inaccurate. It will also probably not be updated often, but most major things will be in here.

The idea, typo, and bug commands are in.
The idle and afk commands work.
Groupcasting for clerics is in.
The socket code has undergone some changes. Players now should have a much greater output buffer size, and are much less likely to lose link due to spamming. Automatic pagebreaking has been installed, with options to disable it if desired.
Knock, feeble mind, detect undead, and squeaky floor spells have been added.
Fear, create food, blindness, cure blindness, and lethargy spells have been added.
The brew potion skill is in.
Objects can be put into portals, and the look code has been changed slightly where portals are concerned.
The sense life spell has a room effect now, to use "c sen l room". It has roughly the same effect as the Merc spell 'faerie fog'.
There is now a ditch command, to get rid of unwanted followers.
The description editor has been significantly beefed up, it might actually be usable now. A word/string replace command is on the way. It will probably have a syntax similar to tintin.
Clan elders now may have the ability to set and change descriptions on clan rooms, including extras. Other things are still (and will probably remain) retricted.
An "empty" container command has been installed, for dumping out bags and liquid containers.
Drinking has been installed in conjunction with the brew skill. Due to popular demand, however, you still never get thirsty.
The noedit flag has been installed, along with noprompt. The compact flag has been fixed also.
God find procedures have been altered, see help on rset, mset, and oset find.
The "who" command can take level arguments, and also will display a single user if given that characters' name.
Who, pwhere, socket, and several of the other finding procedures will accept abbreviations and numerical args.
Earthquake altered to not have effect when in the air, or while flying.
The sneak, hide, dodge, and parry effects now work.
The 'zload force' god command has been added to make zoneloading easier.
An ANTI_DISPEL mob flag has been added to make mobs aggressive to dispel magic.
Special procedures have been altered, they now have different/better targeting and triggering.
The create_food spell now works, it is a one-practice-to-learn spell.
Noxious cloud has become a bit more fun.

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